The Running of Bennie

Last night Bennie needed a bath. Actually he’s needed a bath for awhile, I just have been procrastinating this task.

Why would I procrastinate giving Bennie a bath? It’s the most heartbreaking sound when my dog whines because he wants free reign of my apartment. And after a bath I don’t want his soggy fur getting the carpet, sofa, kitchen, TV, etc. wet, so he’s stuck in the bathroom.

Last night I positioned myself where I could pet him post-bath at the same time as watching the national championship game. The poor guy was whining the whole time (despite his newfound love for the bath itself). Forty-five minutes later he was only slightly damp, and I let him loose.

Let him loose? Yes. It was like the running of the bulls, except the Running of Bennie. He sprinted around my small apartment for about 10 minutes, leaping obstacles (trash), doing damage with his tail (water + tail = spilled water), even attempting to frantically re-fluff his favorite bean bag chair. There were toys kicked, sofas climbed, walls run into when corners were taken too fast, a slight stop for water, then the running continued.

I tried to pull out my phone to capture it on video and he instantly stopped. I put my phone away and he started running around again! My little camera shy Chiweenie suddenly decided play time was over about 5 minutes later. He sprinted to his favorite pink bean bag chair (freshly fluffed!), sprinted through a drunken-looking frantic three circles, then IMMEDIATELY fell asleep.


Adorable pre-bath smelly Bennie:



Bath Time!

photo (2)


The Running of the Bennie was exhausting!

photo (3)


  1. Let him loose? Yes. It was like the running of the bulls, except the Running of Bennie. He sprinted around my small apartment for about 10 minutes, leaping obstacles (trash), doing damage with his tail (water tail = spilled water), even attempting to frantically re-fluff his favorite bean bag chair. There were toys kicked, sofas climbed, walls run into when corners were taken too fast, a slight stop for water, then the running continued.

  2. Let him loose? Yes. It was like the running of the bulls, except the Running of Bennie. He sprinted around my small apartment for about 10 minutes, leaping obstacles (trash), doing damage with his tail (water tail = spilled water), even attempting to frantically re-fluff his favorite bean bag chair. There were toys kicked, sofas climbed, walls run into when corners were taken too fast, a slight stop for water, then the running continued.

  3. Let him loose? Yes. It was like the running of the bulls, except the Running of Bennie. He sprinted around my small apartment for about 10 minutes, leaping obstacles (trash), doing damage with his tail (water tail = spilled water), even attempting to frantically re-fluff his favorite bean bag chair. There were toys kicked, sofas climbed, walls run into when corners were taken too fast, a slight stop for water, then the running continued.

  4. Our daughter, when reprimanded, will “escalate” the encounter, running through all the things she knows we have prohibited, usually ending with her spitting. (Gets a good reaction from us!) This process is quite normal, and it doesn’t bother me per se: She is only retesting the boundaries. But I need a firm way of reaffirming the boundaries.

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